Nice try, but it's Mt.Fuji. Back

Mt.Fuji is 120 km far from Nagareyama-city.

Approximatery, it takes 3 hours and 30 minutes to Lake Kawaguchiko by rail.
And, 30 minutes to Go-goume-point by climbing-bus ( except winter season ).
      ( Go-goume means " half the hight ", but the actual hight is 2305 m. )
      ( The point is the end of climbing road for automobile. )
And, 6 hours to the top on foot ( only July and August )
      ( To the summit, climbing technique is not required. Only endurance and good weather are neccesary. )

Mt.Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan. The hight of top is 3776 m.

A clear day of winter season or day after day passing away a typhoon ( summer or autumn ) , we can see the Mt.Fuji from our hometown.

To say the aspect of Mt.Fuji by simple phrase, "The perfect corne shape" and "The greatest simple line".

View from Fujimidai view-point ( 1100 m )
by the Lake Kawaguchiko
    View from Lake Yamanakako
Mt.Fuji and Shinkansen     View from my home of Nagareyama.
Sun rising view from the top of Mt.Fuji

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